Great Aunt Sophia’s Lessons for Bombshells by Lisa Cach
The only truth in the title of this book is the “bomb” part, sadly.

The only truth in the title of this book is the “bomb” part, sadly.
The cover is the best thing about this baby. Everything else is kind of blah.
This one is okay, but I’m hoping for something a little more than “okay”.
The heroine is so annoying that I wish the author had just written about the hero and his favorite hand instead.
Curvy lady wins over hateful skinny blonde bitches and snares the hot guy! Now we fatties can stop crying into our bon-bons.
Oh, a story featuring two costumed performers in some kind of relationship! I’m just not sure what kind it is.
This is alright, although it’s a little too talk show-ish at times for my liking.
Why is it that every left-leaning anti-corporate character acts like she is entitled to good things from the people she condemns?
This is another book that somehow slipped into my pile of unread books all this while. Sigh, and it took me this long to read it.