Three Sick Brothers (2020)
I met my true love in this episode.
I met my true love in this episode.
For a movie with some pretty overexposed, one note actors, it’s actually, shockingly fun to watch.
You’re no Avenger, but you will be having a whale of a time regardless.
Ah, that moment when Mr and Ms Right meet for the first time.
Teddypig has six magic words for y’all: young Russell Crowe in a towel.
Not much scares, just plenty of enjoyable poking fun at common horror tropes.
R-rated, baby, which means nudity, gore, tentacles, and gratuitous violence galore. Huzzah!
This is going to be a long one, so get a drink and settle down.
Ooh, I like the twist at the end! Here’s to hos that know what they are doing!
This time is ours, inside a frozen memory of us, and we are motionless.