En la Gama de los Grises (2015)
Come for the pee-pees, fast forward to the pee-pees.

Come for the pee-pees, fast forward to the pee-pees.
What’s a horror comedy if it’s neither horrific nor comedic?
Giant monster owl sex, anyone? Then again, let’s wait until a better story comes along.
Take away the fact that the bloke is blue in color, and there is nothing much else to get curious over.
This is not an erotic romance, unless you get all hot and bothered at the thought of calling other women all kinds of bad words.
I think I see the shape of Antonio Sabato Jr’s penis… oh wait, I saw the whole thing on display already in another movie. Next!
Today I learn that the human rear end entrance can enlarge and shrink to accommodate any size and length.
Life-saving tip: don’t take a sip of alcohol each time a sentence ends with an exclamation mark in this story. You will suffer.
The only selling point here is the sexy-mexy, and I’m not sold on that.
Well, Teddypig appreciates the bared pretty man-flesh and the long, dangling… ahem. So that’s good, right?