Lioness by Nell Brien
Why does it have to have romance? Ugh.
Why does it have to have romance? Ugh.
The heroine loves her stupid house more than anything else here, and that’s sad.
This is a boring motivational seminar. Can I go home now?
This one needs a big dose of magic to redeem itself.
There’s a sweet story here, but it’s buried under a pile of scatalogical jokes and painful gags.
This version of the dude is free of blaxploitation stuff. It’s serious, sober, and rather dull.
I wish the author knows what to do with her premise and characters. So far she’s not doing them any favors.
Why isn’t this a gay softporn movie like Jesus clearly intended it to be? Fail!
When did vampires become such pansies? Sigh.
Hold the presses – Luke Wilson plays a meanie here.