Season of Splendor by Liz Madison
This one is pretty terrible, but it has its charms. Not much, but still.
This one is pretty terrible, but it has its charms. Not much, but still.
Well, at least the sex scenes are hot.
The Talibans are coming! Call the big strong American men to come save us!
The secondary characters save this one from being a complete wash.
Isn’t Ethan Hawke a bit getting on in the years to write like an emo teen?
Pit morons against morons and the reader is the ultimate loser.
You are sad, I am sad, everyone is sad!
This one could have been a good drama, but of course the author has to try to force it into being a romantic suspense.
Everyone’s weird and dumb here, it’s hard to believe that it’s supposed to be a little bit serious.
Talk about a movie devoid of chemistry between the lead actors!