Isle of Skye by Constance Hall
This puts the “dear” in “dreary”. Okay, that doesn’t seem right, but close enough.
This puts the “dear” in “dreary”. Okay, that doesn’t seem right, but close enough.
This story muddles its way worse than the ghosts in it.
What legend? This one won’t even qualify as a footnote.
Ooh. nadda nadda!
This is such a formulaic chick-lit story, stupid heroines and all.
There is so much corn here – and we’re not just talking about the things these people are growing in this movie.
There is hardly any conflict here! Time to take a nap…
It’s the same story as always: good writer, generic and forgettable dreck of a story.
So much unpleasant drama from imbeciles.
Why did I dig up this book again? Not worth the effort, sigh.