The Ghost of Carnal Cove by Evelyn Rogers
The ghosts are a bore, but they are the most tolerable characters here.

The ghosts are a bore, but they are the most tolerable characters here.
Hackneyed, predictable, and as bonus, the hero is scum and the heroine is hopelessly weak.
It’s everything you have read many times before.
Now this is one I’d call a formulaic indie movie that really wants to be loved.
This one is in trouble when the designated useless twin brother is more interesting than the hero.
A haunted website? How does that work?
A hot cowboy rides into town and zzzz…
The hero’s fine, but the women in this story… yikes.
This slave girl erotica makes me laugh, but perhaps not for the right reasons.
Let’s talk about unnecessary sequels that nearly destroy all goodwill gained from the original.