The Warrior’s Game by Denise Hampton
Slow, draggy, and yet, annoying. The Warrior’s Lame, more like.

Slow, draggy, and yet, annoying. The Warrior’s Lame, more like.
These two love to babble and psychoanalyze so much, they may have a good career one day in psychology.
The heroine is a moron. Case closed.
Is this a parody or just the author showing off how well she knows her clichés?
The best thing is – the series is over and done with. Time to move on!
Eeuw, kids. Get them away from me.
At least that dumb broad Kelly Ripa likes this one, I suppose.
Well, here’s a lot of fuss and melodramatic gullibility that lead up to nothing big.
It’s better than the previous book, for what that’s worth.
Now we know that fat women can be just as boring as skinny ones.