Doctor Heat by Catherine Tramell
Doctor Horny wants to get it on with a coma patient. Hot!

Doctor Horny wants to get it on with a coma patient. Hot!
Talking animals 1, evil human 0.
This is far better than the sequel, but it’s still not good enough.
More like over one’s head, as this comedy is far more painfully embarrassing than funny.
Oh my goodness, the cover! It’s so adorable. The story? What story?
The story of how the Rock killed DCEU is more interesting than this generic cape schlock.
The dumb continues. I may enjoy Dave Filoni getting exposed for the hack he is if I didn’t have to watch this thing.
This episode spoils the ending in the opening scene to spare everyone the bother of watching it.
The author does the worst thing ever for a horror story: having a lead character that doesn’t give a damn.
Good job Dave Filoni! It takes only one episode for this show to dive deep into doo-doo territory.