Queen of May Day by Diana Bold
Beauty is from within… as long as you’re hot. Actually ugly people can buzz off.
Beauty is from within… as long as you’re hot. Actually ugly people can buzz off.
Echo plot armors herself into bombing a train and we meet another Mary Sioux ancestor of hers.
Worthless imbecile heroines and sullen mountain men, a tale as old as time.
The cover is so pretty, and the writing is too. The execution of the whole thing, sadly, is terribly botched.
I probably will enjoy one of the author’s other works. Just not this one.
Andor rots in prison and the story moves barely an inch forward.
Time and brain cells are the real sacrifices one must make for watching this thing.
The hero needs a nanny, and he doesn’t even have to try hard to get one because, you know, penis.
Good lord, are no fairy tales safe from these people?
After all these episodes, Andor still hasn’t become any smarter.