Mischief by Amanda Quick
Ancient Zamar meets modern tedium in a romance that’s more mishap than mischief.

Ancient Zamar meets modern tedium in a romance that’s more mishap than mischief.
Medieval romance meets geological obsession in a crystal-clear case of literary ennui.
It’s over. So is Star Wars.
So many people choose not to watch this show!
Are Ace Ventura and Sutani Beaver the best names ever for lead characters in a romance?
Lesbian witches have woo-woo sex to give birth to automaton-like twins and then die in a small fire.
How cute, a romantic suspense that has the author doing everything she can to make me root for the heroine to die.
Watching cape crap these days is like having the front seat as Rome burns.
Every horrible stereotype about girls is present in one horrifyingly painful episode.
Okay, what am I supposed to do with this utterly pointless thing?