Samhain Publishing, $3.50, ISBN 978-1-60928-199-1
Fantasy Erotica, 2010
Bloodsong can stand alone, but its very existence serves as a spoiler for the previous story in this series, The Seeking Kiss. If you are not keen on being spoiled and you wish to read The Seeking Kiss some time in the future, you better stop reading this review now. The name of the hero is already a big spoiler for the previous story!
Well, you’ve been warned. Anyway, in Bloodsong, the bisexual vampire Aleron de Ambroise is once again alone, after his partner Hex and Nissa, the woman they shared in the previous story, fell in love and he decided to back away to give them some space. It’s 2069, so he had been walking the earth for about 300 years now. But when our heroine Meeraj wanders into the Midnight Playground, seeking for new pleasures that will whet her jaded appetite, he feels like a brand new man again.
I know I am repeating myself when it comes to reviews of this author’s works, but then again, there is a good reason why I keep reading them: this one is hot. You probably know that I’m not too keen on BDSM, but oh my, this one has me hooked on every word despite the abundance of such elements in this one. Ms Bradley has a way with raunchy stuff that always gets to me – she knows how to describe an erotic scene in a most enjoyably evocative manner, taking the time to describe sensations and emotions aroused by every intimate act. Even better, this one has a pretty good balance between raunch and heartfelt emotions. Aleron and Meeraj steam up every window in Midnight Playground, but they also talk and connect on an emotional level that is pretty good for a story this short.
I would be remiss in my duties as a curmudgeon if I didn’t warn you that some readers may not like the author making Aleron play with the guys because he’d been heartbroken from a relationship with a woman in the past. I think the author did a great job in showing me the fluidity of Aleron’s score on the Kinsey Scale, so for me, I am not too concerned with that aspect of the story. I do mind, however, those extremely icky saccharine last few paragraphs of this story. I half expect them to start sparkling in that scene!
All things considered, though, this one gets my two thumbs up.