Because of You by Elle Wright

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 16, 2019 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Because of You by Elle Wright
Because of You by Elle Wright

Kimani, $7.99, ISBN 978-1-335-99881-1
Contemporary Romance, 2019

Some people do dramatic things when they realize they have hit the big 3-0. What does our heroine Bailee Sanders decide to do? Well, if you are thinking of fun things like bungee jumping, having a ménage à trois, coming out of the closet, becoming a stripper, or any other fun things, you are losing that bet. Our heroine decides to get tipsy in New Orleans and, with her inhibitions down and horny goggles on, have a one night stand with hottie Ian Jackson.

So yes, Elle Wright’s Because of You kicks off with the hero actually boinking away on top of the heroine. Apparently, despite being tipsy after three Hand Grenades, she knows that she is having the best sex of her life. Alas, because there may be some romance readers right now judging her as a prostitute, Bailee quickly launches into that tedious “I never do this – HONEST – dear reader, I am now panicking because I assure you, I am not a whore, so don’t judge me – HONEST!” stunt and flails around trying to kick Ian out of her hotel room. Is all this done in order to get me to respect Bailee? Please, I’d respect her more if she had went back for a second round, and maybe a third. If it had been truly the best sex of her life, girl has better revel in it and ride out the bliss like any self-respecting sane woman would do.

Anyway, cut to later, and ooh, Ian turns out to be the BFF of the woman her brother is getting married to, and of course she finds out when they meet again at the engagement party. Instead of being thrilled that Mr Best Sex Ever is back ready to go, our heroine goes all rotating-head-360 on me because she isn’t ready to have the best sex in her life ever again. Meanwhile, Ian has daddy issues, but for some reason, it’s portrayed as trivial compared to Bailee’s impending nervous breakdown at the idea of having more best sex in her life.

I’m sure you can tell by now that I feel that this story is much ado about nothing. It’s basically about a silly wretch trying way too hard to act like she can’t bear the idea of the best penis ever splitting her apart and sending her to the best place ever. Why? It’s not like I would condemn anyone for reaching out with both hands to squeeze all opportunity out of this. Mind you, Ian is a doctor who is going to join Doctors without Borders – which means he’s a nice guy, and ever better, he’d be away long enough to prevent himself from being a nuisance. Plus, the reunion sex will likely be hot, and as a doctor in a romance novel, he’d be loaded instead of being bogged down by student loans. Seriously, what’s the problem? Lay back and enjoy the trip!

This story is easy to read, and for the most part, it’s a predictable Kimani story complete with secondary characters basically egging the heroine on to put out. Still, the lack of a believable conflict causes the story to eventually fizzle out. It’s a good thing, therefore, that this isn’t a long story. It ends just at the right time and note, before Bailee really outstays her welcome.

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