A Wedding to Remember by Kristen James

Posted by Mrs Giggles on November 16, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

A Wedding to Remember by Kristen JamesKristen James, $0.99, ISBN 978-1311233271
Contemporary Romance, 2013

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Oh, it turns out that Kristen James’s A Wedding to Remember is a direct sequel to More Than Memories, which I also own. Naturally, I should put this one down and read the other story first, right?

Well, the author spoils the entire of the previous story in the opening chapter and I read the whole thing before I realize that this is a sequel. Oh well, I now “know” the previous story, so I may as well read this one anyway since I’ve already seated my big beautiful behind down and started reading.

Basically, Molly Anderson and her family vanished four years ago from Ridge City, and Molly showed up in the previous story in a most unexpected manner. It turned out that she had had amnesia, ooh, and her efforts to piece together her past led her back to her hometown, and Trent Williams. Now a detective, he and Molly eloped shortly before she left town, and they of course rekindled their love.

Now, they are getting married in this story, which takes place three months after the previous story. Isn’t this exciting?

Well, I’m sure it’s exciting to readers that enjoy reading about how awesome and hot everyone is, but I find myself feeling tad confused as to why this story is necessary.

A lot of it feels unnecessary. For example, Molly rehashes a lot about her feelings for Trent, remarking about how cute and hot he is, and how this hotness of his confuses her a bit because she can’t imagine someone as hot as him as a detective. She doesn’t read romance much, I guess?

Shouldn’t all this gushing have taken place already in the previous story?

I’m confused, because often Trent and Molly act as if they had just met and are now only finding out about the person person. Were they too busy doing, I don’t know, investigative stuff to do all this in the previous story? If yes, then why are they getting married so soon?

I’m sure that the author could have done something, anything, to give this story some semblance of plot. Maybe there are unexpected hitches in the wedding preparations, and everyone scrambles to make things work, perhaps? Perhaps the wedding dress goes missing, or maybe Trent has to attend to some heavy-duty police stuff that threatens to get in the way of the wedding preparations?

As it is, this one is an okay read. The characters are okay, there isn’t much of a story here to both impress or annoy me, and I finish the whole thing in a quick single sitting without any ill effects. I’m just confused as to why this thing is needed. It feels utterly unnecessary.

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