Main cast: Jack Brockett (Chris Jensen), Sean Paul Lockhart (Andrew Warner), Laura Reilly (Jackie Townsend), Tellier Killaby (Kendra), and Addison Graham (Tyler Townsend)
Director: Sean Paul Lockhart
Now, I’m all for former gay porn actors making to have a second go at a more respectable acting career, but I’ve long lost track of whether Sean Paul Lackhart – or Brent Corrigan as he’s known in the gay porn circuit – is in or out of the adult film scene. At any rate, he seems to have the right idea with Triple Crossed – if nobody wants to do it for him, he’d do it himself! This movie still have the likes of Steven Vasquez involved as a co-producer, so expect this one to be still be full of gratuitous male nudity. Did I say that this is a bad thing? Of course not!
This super low budget flick revolves around Chris Jensen, a former army man who did classified stuff in Afghanistan, and Andrew Warner, a grieving young man who can’t get over the death of his boyfriend Tyler. Tyler’s half-sister is furious that the man left Andrew 51% of the company in his will, so when Chris applied for the head of security job at the company only to fail the drug test, she decides to hire that man to kill Andrew instead. As you can imagine, Andrew and Chris soon fall in love, which complicates matters a lot.
Well, what can I say? The acting is Lifetime channel-tier in terms of quality, and I don’t think any of these people are in danger of winning any acting award anytime soon. To be honest, though, I don’t think people will be tuning in for the acting, and they won’t be wasting their time, because Mr Lockhart is freaking easy on the eyes. For someone who does adult films, he has wisely avoided going overboard with tattoos or gear, so he’s aging very nicely indeed. His acting isn’t that awful either, actually – it’s passable for a film like this, and he has some pretty good chemistry with Jack Brockett. That or I’m distracted by the soft porn-ish love scenes to really notice things like chemistry, hmm.
The plot is on the preposterous side, but I can’t help but to be reminded of some of the more far-out “romantic suspense” romances in the MM genre. I don’t think that aspect of the movie is meant to be a drawing point; that would be hot guys in love and getting naked. One may have seen more of Mr Lockhart doing far more explicit stuff in his adult films, but here is a movie with a romance, not just boinking – which some folks may like.
However, I personally am hard pressed to call what Chris and Andrew have a romance, as 70% of their shared screen time has Andrew talking about Tyler all the time. (The remaining 30% is made up of boinking and cuddling.) I don’t see how it is love when, in the end, both men still don’t know much of the other person, and Andrew seems far more in love with Tyler still than he is with Chris.
Having said all this, there is still a charming quality to Triple Crossed. Sure, it’s a pretty bad movie in many respects, and its strongest selling point – the romance – never feels like it has got off the ground in any way. The two main leads seem to try their best, though, and all things considered, the scenery is very nice indeed. So, watch it for that reason, if nothing else, so long as that’s as low as your expectation gets.