Time for Terri by Roslyn Bane

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 17, 2015 in 4 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Contemporary

Time for Terri by Roslyn Bane
Time for Terri by Roslyn Bane

Liquid Silver Books, $5.99, ISBN 978-1-62210-256-3
Contemporary Romance, 2015


Terri Greene has just come home after a trip to Australia when she runs over a dog with her vehicle. To be fair, the dog just appeared in front of her and it was too late to stop the car. She takes the dog to the vet, only to find that there is a new vet in town, Dr Sheila McDevitt, who is hot. Sheila is a divorcee, so Terri initially assumes that Sheila won’t swing her way, but Sheila actually swings both ways. Therefore, a happily ever after is definitely possible for the two of them. How they can get there, now that is a different story.

Time for Terri is a pretty simple story – it’s a love story without any messy stuff in the plot like dead bodies or terrorists to divert attention from the romance. And this is a good thing where this story is concerned, as the author does a good job in presenting a believable, tentative courtship dance between the two ladies. On Terri’s part, she is understandably concerned at first whether it is okay to make the first move – it can be so awkward if Sheila doesn’t swing her way, after all – and later, when Sheila sends signals her way that she’s receptive to the idea of a date or two, Terri has some concerns whether they would go anywhere good or Sheila is just being curious. This story presents how complicated it can be for folks of the non-straight sexual spectrum to date, albeit in a sometimes humorous and sometimes sweet kind of complicated, and I like that.

I feel that this story is a bit too long for its own good, though. A big part of its strength is the build-up of this story. Will they date? Will they hang out? Will they ever make it clear to the other person that they are all on the same wavelength? Therefore, once these two begin going out together, the momentum begins to deflate and the story starts to drag a bit. This is especially evident in the second half or so of the story – I find it far more easy to put down as many things around me start to seem more interesting than these two. By the time these two get down to business, that scene seems more like something tacked on to fulfill a sexy time quota rather than anything else. I believe the story would have been far better if it has ended with these two finally deciding to go out together. Everything after that is like stating the obvious repeatedly.

Should Time for Terri get three or four oogies at the end of the day? By the time I finish this book, I’m leaning more towards three, but the first half or so is a solid four-oogie read. Oh what the heck, it’s the weekend, and I’m in a good mood. Four oogies it is.

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