Wild Hearts by Virginia Henley
Maybe-incest, pox, and a hero named Cockburn… Virginia Henley’s Wild Hearts is a clunky bodice-ripper that’s so bad, it’s almost good.

Maybe-incest, pox, and a hero named Cockburn… Virginia Henley’s Wild Hearts is a clunky bodice-ripper that’s so bad, it’s almost good.
Showing off one’s repertoire through short stories can be tricky. This one is alright – just alright.
And further down the hill we roll…
Okay, this is painful. Absolutely painful.
While this is by no means a great book, the heroine is a much-welcome tall glass of water.
Ugh, who wrote this thing and why would anyone want to publish it?
It looks like the author is back on track. Let’s hope this lasts.
My goodness, both the hero and heroine are abhorrent here.
The best stories are the truly ghastly ones.
This one is in trouble when the designated useless twin brother is more interesting than the hero.