Day of the Dead (2008)
This movie is so terrible to the extent that it becomes unintentionally hilarious.

This movie is so terrible to the extent that it becomes unintentionally hilarious.
This one is alright as a fanfiction sequel, but as an official sequel, it’s… well, I’m conflicted.
This pointless sequels up the nonsensical factor and downgrades itself in the process.
This is a late night cable filler show passed off as a movie.
Take this one as a raunchy comedy with lots of gore, and nobody will get hurt.
Sometimes bigger is not better, as this bloated movie demonstrates.
I want one of those Stitch thingies and I want it now.
This one would have been so much better if it had gone out with guns blazing.
This is a crappy Final Fantasy movie, but on its own merits, it’s actually alright.
This is a by-the-numbers film that is saved by, believe it or not, Tom Cruise’s chemistry with the lead actress.