Rix Road (2022)
The finale is just people walking and running around while talking, always talking.

The finale is just people walking and running around while talking, always talking.
Ooh, I’m so close to the end, and I can already taste the freedom!
Andor breaks out of prison! Oh no, now he’s once again free to bore everyone to death.
Andor rots in prison and the story moves barely an inch forward.
After all these episodes, Andor still hasn’t become any smarter.
Finally, most of the boring characters get jettisoned off the show and Andor gets to move on.
Oh, I forget about this show too!
This show is determined to take its time to go anywhere, without giving me a reason to hang around.
This episode is boring, interesting, slow, riveting. For a Disney+ show, that’s deep.
Andor is so hot that his ex’s current squeeze’s jealousy lands him in hotter water.