The Duke Who Came to Town by Sophie Barnes
Here’s another heroine that has no plan B but insists loudly that she’s fine.

Here’s another heroine that has no plan B but insists loudly that she’s fine.
This is a readable story with an idiot plot. No, I’m not sure whether that’s a compliment or not.
OMG, girls are so, so useless and helpless. OMG. Thank god for men!
Well, it looks like I don’t have to get drunk this Christmas, as I’m already sloshed after reading this thing.
This one is a four-oogie read for its first few chapters, and then things go downhill with rapid speed.
It is tough to figure out which fate is worse: being a duke or marrying a duke.
The almond trees wither – DIE – Was I ever someone – DIE DIE DIE – Who could love you forever JUST DIE ALREADY HAHAHAHA…
Please tell me this is a horrific Jane Austen fanfiction written by a 13-year old that accidentally got published.