Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord (2023)

Ah-so-dumb, ah-so-stupid, ah-so-ugh, ah-so-crap.
So many interesting possibilities, and yet, one dumb script.
When in doubt, resort to fanservice.
If you haven’t watched any of previous Ahsoka Tano shows out there, good luck with this episode.
The dumb continues. I may enjoy Dave Filoni getting exposed for the hack he is if I didn’t have to watch this thing.
Good job Dave Filoni! It takes only one episode for this show to dive deep into doo-doo territory.
No, damn it! Lucasfilm, keep your dirty fingers away from my boo Thrawn!
The whole thing is blah and meh squared.
Either someone in Marvel Studios has a hate-on for Chris Hemsworth, or those Marvel folks have lost their damned plot.