Once upon a Rose by Nora Roberts, Jill Gregory, Ruth Ryan Langan, and Marianne Willman
This one wilts pretty quickly.

This one wilts pretty quickly.
Where’s the magic? In the bank accounts? You don’t need magic for that kind of fun…
Yes, life is amazing when you are hot and loaded. Tell me something I don’t know.
Money isn’t everything… that’s why the romance hero has to be very loaded. Gotta keep it real, girlfriends!
The dream is just okay.
Yawn. This one feels like a join-the-dots, paint-by-numbers thing.
Another entry into the charmed life of the very rich and famous. How… fascinating.
Need more romance. And magic.
Zzzzzzzzz even at Ireland.
This is a paranormal romance so effective that the paranormal elements are barely there – just like magic!