A Reckless Promise by Kasey Michaels
Jodi Thomas’s bonus short story steals all the thunder from the main attraction.

Jodi Thomas’s bonus short story steals all the thunder from the main attraction.
It’s rather appropriate that this putrid heroine’s story concludes a fundamentally dumb series.
Wait, the author is doing suspense now? I’m confused. Career midlife crisis?
There are some good but so predictable and formulaic stories here.
Even this author is not immune to serving up the screechy, dim-witted heroine.
The romances ruin everything. Everything!
There is a good story in here, sandwiched between distracting external conflicts and a dumb premise.
The author has lost control and the sugar tsunami is coming to kill us all.
I like it, but it is also a bit too sweet for my liking.
This one is best seen as a one-scene wonder.