Texas Bride by Joan Johnston
This is a pretty addictive soap opera, but the hero is a repetitive windbag.

This is a pretty addictive soap opera, but the hero is a repetitive windbag.
What’s with all these reissues and “slightly revised” releases from this author?
The author forces her right-wing values in this one (on the women only, of course) in a way that is so annoying.
This is so bad that it is so good as a result. Shut down the brain and enjoy.
Three sisters and not an ounce of brainpower among them. Sad.
This is a really fun kind of stupid, I just have to adore it regardless of how embarrassing that would be.
Yes, let’s conclude a dire trilogy with the worst book of the lot!
Remember those good old days when romance heroines are complete idiots that need constant rescuing?
Dour, depressing, and full of characters determined to be martyrs. Ugh.
The premise is dead on arrival, and it’s never getting better from there.