Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
As impending obscurity looms, Harry Potter whines his way into another victory, which sees everyone else doing his work for him. Again.

As impending obscurity looms, Harry Potter whines his way into another victory, which sees everyone else doing his work for him. Again.
This is the death throes of Jackie Chan’s career as an actor.
Hello there, overrated.
This one breaks the heart in the most glorious, aching ways possible.
Popular songs are bastardized, butchered, and mangled to near sacrilegious levels, and the whole thing is glorious.
This sensory overload of a movie has better music and hype than it has a story.
Ugh, this one is so annoying. The again, it’s Bridget Jones played by Renée Zellweger – annoying is in the DNA.