Look Away (2018)
If you like to watch naked creepy young girls on a homicidal bent, then look at this one.

If you like to watch naked creepy young girls on a homicidal bent, then look at this one.
Cast a guy more well known for his shirtless scenes, and then have him “act” with his clothes on. The result is just as you’d expect.
Well, this one is almost good, but Daniel Radcliffe will always be what he is, sigh.
Harry Potter is up against the Gobshite of Dire, er, Goblet of Fire in another dud in the series.
Meaningless, illogically, badly acted, badly directed – what is this, a really bad joke?
Oh, the clichés just come hard and fast…
The game is much better.
Team America is here to save the day again!
Inept direction and a wooden lead actor make this adaptation far from magical.