Black Ties and Lullabies by Jane Graves
This one would have been so much fun if the heroine had been smarter. Just focus on the hero – he’s a bae.

This one would have been so much fun if the heroine had been smarter. Just focus on the hero – he’s a bae.
The heroine is so desperate to get married, I eventually become desperate to get away from her.
It’s probably unhealthy to like this book, but what the heck.
This one is adorable, but that’s because of a secondary character that steals the show. The hero – ugh.
This one could have been grand, but it ends up just being sort of neither here nor there.
The mix of romance and suspense is iffy, but there’s no denying that I’ve had fun.
Sophomore slump? More like sophomore blast-off BABY HERE SHE COMES WOO-HOO.
The author tries too hard and reaches too far in this one. It’s okay; rookie mistakes – we’ve all done them.