In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
Stephen King is the prophet of the Elder Gods!

Stephen King is the prophet of the Elder Gods!
Ah-so-dumb, ah-so-stupid, ah-so-ugh, ah-so-crap.
When in doubt, resort to fanservice.
If you haven’t watched any of previous Ahsoka Tano shows out there, good luck with this episode.
Poo-poo-tine! Again. Obi-Wut versus Udder! Again. Light saber duel! Again. So much for creativity.
So Reva plans to betray Udder, but Udder knows and… and… eff this crap.
Four sounds like “death” in Cantonese. How appropriate.
Obi-Wut and Darth Udder take turns to see which of them forget to use their abilities more in the name of plot.
The adventures in show-making by committee continue straight into hell.