Hearts Afire by Deborah Fletcher Mello
The heroine is having a great line on a luxury cruise, and I can only wish I’m having just as much fun reading this conflict-free, rather dull story.

The heroine is having a great line on a luxury cruise, and I can only wish I’m having just as much fun reading this conflict-free, rather dull story.
If you can get past initial expectations set by the packaging, this one is a pretty solid romantic suspense thingy.
If you really must read this thing, just wait until it’s heavily discounted.
Too many family members in an otherwise enjoyable story.
This one is too much like a bad soap opera for me to take seriously.
Good luck remembering anything about this dull, conflict-light story.
The entertaining moments here are unintentional on the author’s part. Oops.
The author seems to be getting back on track, but this one is too ho hum for its own good.
Bland and bland give bland squared.
The emotions feel real, so it’s a shame about the plot.