Westmoreland’s Way by Brenda Jackson
No way, sorry.

No way, sorry.
The hero deserves to be undone in every way that matters. Asshole!
Sigh. More some old boring crock from an author who is running out of steam.
Same old bag of coal, wrapped in a different colored package.
A new book by this author that isn’t cluttered with draggy information dumping? Will wonders never cease.
The author’s 50th book turns out to be a dud more intent on selling me future books than telling a good story.
If only the stories are as “plus” as the heroines.
Did someone order an all night bore?
Here’s a familiar tale: all men are gods despite what skanks they are, but any woman who wants to steal our men are sluts and skanks who must DIE.
No, let’s take it off instead.