Ad Astra (2019)
Ooh, a two-hour montage of Brad Pitt looking all angst-pretty under flattering hues!

Ooh, a two-hour montage of Brad Pitt looking all angst-pretty under flattering hues!
Quentin Tarantino touches himself excitedly while directing this eye-rolling self-congratulatory waste of almost three hours.
This is an odd example of a movie that has a stronger story line than the previous installment, but still manages to come off as less interesting.
Oh my god, Brad Pitt is in this one! Too bad the episode is a waste of time.
This is the movie that started the banging – ahem – but it doesn’t really rock the house much, all things considered.
Not even history can stop Brad Pitt from waxing his armpits for a role.
Who would’ve thought a self-indulgent prattle about spoiled Hollywood brats would make such a dull movie?
Everyone on the director’s guest list gets to come out and play in this self-indulgent flick.
There may be a good story here, but everything just feels… lazy.
This one is pretty fun, but it’s mostly style over substance.