Sweet, Hot Taffy by George Saoulidis

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 23, 2021 in 3 Oogies, Book Reviews, Genre: Horror

Sweet, Hot Taffy by George SaoulidisMythography Studios, $0.99, ISBN 978-0463225578
Horror, 2018

oogie 3oogie 3oogie 3

Irina is in a strange town, looking for something or someone called Be-Positive. So, she wanders around, and oh my, there is this constant, mouth-watering aroma of Sweet, Hot Taffy to intoxicate her senses. What is going on here?

Well, this story isn’t one big metaphor, nor is it an acid trip put into words. It turns out that there is nothing deep about this, as the whole thing turns out to a pretty straightforward story. Maybe that’s the twist? The twist is… something mundane?

That’s one way to subvert expectations, I guess, although that didn’t turn out so well for Rian Johnson, did it? As much as he claims he didn’t care, he’s still raging on social media today, likely bitter that the red carpet into the exclusive Hollywood’s favored uber-big movie director club never came his way, and constantly trying to rile people so that they would still talk about him and that movie years after it was released.

Oh yes, this one. I don’t have much else to say about it because it’s a short story that ends up making little impact. It’s like nice taffy in itself: light, fluffy, burp—oh look, I’ve consumed it, and what do you know, I’m still feeling hungry. I’ll move on to the next bite and forget about this thing soon enough.

Nice cover, though. Maybe this one would have made more of an impact if it had been an illustrated story.

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