Is This Not Real Magic? (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 14, 2023 in 2 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

Is This Not Real Magic? (2022) - She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1Main cast: Tatiana Maslany (Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk), Jameela Jamil (Titania), Ginger Gonzaga (Nikki Ramos), Jon Bass (Todd), Mark Linn-Baker (Morris Walters), Rhys Coiro (Donny Blaze), and Benedict Wong (Wong)
Director: Kat Coiro

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So let me get this straight. After all that legal drama Wong was in, he decides to take some idiot magician to court over the idiot’s bimbo assistant spoiling The Sopranos for him or abusing the mystic arts to do magician shtick or something equally insipid.

Yes, this episode spoils The Sopranos, and there are people out there that are mad about this. Who cares, Jessica Gao will just say that this is just another attempt by her and her sisterhood to troll people because ooh, getting paid to defecate on IPs is so fun and it also makes them look very smart—or so they’d love to believe.

Why is Wong even suing Donny Blaze? He’s the Sorcerer Supreme! I know so far on the MCU he has been shown to be incapable of wiping his arse after doing a number two without slipping and having his face fall straight into the toilet, but come, the principle of it is that he can do woo-woo stuff to undo this. That or just arrange to have those that offend him to be kidnapped and sent to some corner of the multiverse where the MCU is actually still watchable.

Anyway, Is This Not Real Magic? is the continuous mishap of the MCU in wrecking past movies and characters in the name of cheap, badly done “comedy”.

Oh, and Green-Hag wants to date. The whole thing resembles a ghastly melding of every Buzzfeed and Vice “relationship advice for the modern millennial woman” article polluting the Internet, and I can only wonder whether this episode, or rather, this entire show, is the manifestation of the thwarted sense of entitlement of every single, bitter cat lady in LA, NYC, and San Francisco typing furiously on Twitter using their iPhone in their cramped apartment.

Anyway, this is another dumb episode that continues to drag poor Tatiana Maslany down. I may feel sorry for her if she weren’t out there blaming straight white men for the fact that this show tanked in terms of ratings. This show is crap because it is crap, so let’s not blame its failures on nonsensical boogeymen. Besides, the show media circus actively antagonized straight white men even before the show made its debut, so why these people expect straight white men to still tune in, I will never know.

Everyone involved in the writing and producing of this episode, and this show, should be ashamed if they were even capable of feeling such a thing in the first place—press F to doubt.

Oh, and this is an episode that sees the director casting her own husband in a major role and a pal in another. Why not? Most diversity hires get their jobs due to nepotism and connections, so it isn’t surprising that they embrace this practice.

Well, Rhys Coiro is channeling a discount version of the already terrible Peter Vincent in that ghastly 2011 remake, and come on, the pasty torso isn’t doing him any favors. Did the money run out for fake tan after overspending on tacky CGI? Still, it’s a nicely formed torso, I’d give him that.

As for Patty Guggenheim that Kat Coiro claims is so-ooo-ooo funny, well, she’s fine playing the bimbo, although sadly the script is still pedestrian and predictable enough that I don’t find the whole thing funny even for a second. The character Madisynn is another basic airhead that has been done many times already, and as a result, she’s forgettable.

That’s the ongoing problem with this series so far: the humor is blah at best and, for the purported caliber of the writers, feels like it’s done by amateurs. Seriously, I’ll say it again: these people probably wasted their time living on social media and snorting lines, and rushed the actual script 20 minutes before deadline.

On the bright side, David Otunga is hot. Can I see more of his body, I mean, his character, please? Those biceps alone has far more character development in a single scene than Jessica Gao’s stand-in OC has had, or rather, hasn’t had in four episodes to date, so let’s see more of that fellow’s… character, oh yes.

Next episode: Green-Hag gets sued by Titania! I’m so excited that I think I’ll go evacuate my bowels now.

Mrs Giggles
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