Summon the Suit (2022)
If this show were to be an apology for how Disney misused Oscar Isaac in the past, well, it’s not a good one.
If this show were to be an apology for how Disney misused Oscar Isaac in the past, well, it’s not a good one.
Well, it doesn’t take long for this show to disappoint me. So fast, and of course I didn’t feel a thing.
The new season of The Mandalorian comes to a too-quick end, and let’s not speak of Bobo ever again.
Oscar Isaac really can’t stay away from superhero movies, can he?
Well, say what you will about the sad state of DCEU, but this season opener is one hell of a blast.
Season 2.5 of The Mandalorian is shaping up nicely!
The show gives up on its lead character, and shoves him out of the way for the real chad.
If you are weaker than other people, whine at them to treat you like a special snowflake.
For a second season opener, is this the best they can do?
Gathering storm, my arse. Gathering snores, more like.