Taxi (1998)
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
A sequel that lives up to the original? Awesome!
This movie smirks and acts like it’s good, and what’s more annoying is that it actually is.
Blame it on that thing on Bruce Willis’s head.
Perhaps with a better young cast, this one wouldn’t be such a sleeping pill.
Cheap laughs and missed punchlines mar this silly comedy.
Let’s see if Ralph Fiennes’s bare butt can keep you awake through this snoozefest.
Aside from its ability to generate dozens of tedious memes, this one actually isn’t that amazing.
There are actually some smarts and depths in this teen romantic comedy that make it worth a look or two.
This is one movie that is worth a watch, well… once at least. It’s a bleak and raw movie that can really cut deep.