The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
This is why you don’t let musicians think they are movie people.
This is why you don’t let musicians think they are movie people.
Shakespeare and Kenneth Branagh always feel like a pretentious excursion.
Why isn’t this a gay softporn movie like Jesus clearly intended it to be? Fail!
Ugh, they can’t even sleaze right. What good are these people for, then?
How odd that the characters in the title seem to be sidekicks rather than main characters.
Hold the presses – Luke Wilson plays a meanie here.
Believe it or not, this one isn’t just funny, it has some semblance of substance underneath the raunch.
Who would’ve thought Fox Mulder can be such a romantic sweetheart?
If this movie is any sweeter, I’d die of diabetes.
This one works much better as a drama than martial arts movie. Set your expectations accordingly.