The Terminal (2004)
Once again, two rich white males want to demonstrate that they are the self-appointed best human beings on earth.
Once again, two rich white males want to demonstrate that they are the self-appointed best human beings on earth.
As it turns out, it’s easier that I thought, flunking what seems like a no-brainer fun crossover of two fun franchises.
Well, it is is a Disney movie, after all.
That cat is the scariest thing I’ve seen in a while.
Talk about a sexist, unenjoyable, awkward, cringe-inducing dud.
Just… just… no.
More explosions, more chases, more Matt Damon in tight shirts, so yes to all of these.
Tiger love and babies, anyone?
Whatever suspense that is present here is diluted by a sense of terminal boredom.
Good lord, they remade this movie into a comedy.