Suitable Flesh (2023)
The kid from those The Babysitter movies is all grown up and ready to Lovecraft.
The kid from those The Babysitter movies is all grown up and ready to Lovecraft.
This movie is dumb and bad, and it owns it, so I guess that makes it kind of cute.
Good lord, are no fairy tales safe from these people?
The only thing that kills me here is how hot Patrick Dempsey is.
This is a surprisingly decent film!
This one doesn’t try too hard to stand out from the rest of the generic creepy house movies out there.
The scariest thing here is how Asa Butterfield is getting old very quickly before my eyes.
For a movie with a time-traveling Walkman ghost, this one is inexplicably boring from start to finish.
Townsfolk don’t seem to last long in rural areas, do they?
The quality of Jason Statham’s movies is in direct proportion to the amount of flesh he shows. Spoiler: there is barely any here.