Wizard Outcast by Josh Christofferson
This is marred by needlessly complicated rules and a story that works better as a novel.

This is marred by needlessly complicated rules and a story that works better as a novel.
Giant insects are on the loose, and it is up to you to catch them all.
Another gamebook with intriguing premise ruined by shoddy random maze-like design. Sigh.
Wait, they make gamebooks out of kids’ game shows?
Death by water nymph. Ugh.
You can be either the Monster and the Baron. But the random maze-like designs aren’t much fun.
Here’s your chance to be Bella and pick your own vampire boyfriend! Eeuw, I know.
You are the worst Jedi-wannabe, but that’s not the worst thing here.
Not the best gamebook, but a splendid app of the classic tale.
Usually, cheating is necessary to complete this guy’s gamebooks. You can’t cheat in this one, so… enjoy?