Behold! by Susie Rae
Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Just look at it! How can anyone resist?

Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Just look at it! How can anyone resist?
Surely there are better ways to cavort with the Outer Gods.
This one is so pretty to look at! If only it’s just as pretty to play with.
Come teach your kids the art of geography, history, and doxing.
This is one thrilling gore-soaked ride, and you get to be a bad-ass hero too. Awesome!
Without any doubt, a most entertainingly bizarre acid trip of a gamebook that isn’t a gamebook I’ve ever come across.
If you are looking for some stimulus to get yourself to play with Google Earth, this one is a pretty decent gimmick to do the trick.
If Tin Man Games puts as much effort in actually creating playable gamebooks as they do in making their products so pretty.
How on earth did this interactive app win an award? It’s pretty but far from user friendly.
So, you want to play a harem game where you have all the hot guys chasing after you, but you are too young for the pornographic version?