The Storms of Chai by Joe Dever
Oh my goodness, this is such a great throwback to the old days! And then the author died. UGH.

Oh my goodness, this is such a great throwback to the old days! And then the author died. UGH.
Finally, it’s the end. Time for the Kai Janitor to find another gig.
Finally, a scary villain shows up to give you a challenge. Except, he’s too busy to meet you here.
Even the dwarves have the number of your help hotline.
Oops, Lone Wolf is captured. Naturally, you have to rescue him because everyone else has better things to do.
Finally, some action! War arrives, and you are charged to do sneaky things that are fun for a change.
It’s back to babysitting, this time a royal prince. A Kai serf’s work is never done.
Your path to being Kai Supreme Grand Janitor continues.
Lone Wolf retires and you, New Kai Janitor, gets your first assignment from him. Babysitting!
Now it’s time to take your complaints to the Head of Department himself – Naar.