The Magic of the Unicorn by Deborah Lerme Goodman
Do you dare to touch that thick, throbbing horn?

Do you dare to touch that thick, throbbing horn?
This is like a G-rated acid trip that makes no sense whatsoever.
The whales have a secret to tell you. No, seriously, they do.
This is for you, kids, who dream of being fairies. No, no, actual fairies, not… oh, never mind.
There is a mystery here alright. Where is the fun?
Bwahahaha at the title. Yucks at everything else.
The real trouble is the presence of crappy gamebooks like this one.
It’s not bad at all, for a gamebook by RA Montgomery.
Yes, “lost” is definitely the operative word here.
Even for a gamebook from this guy, this one is so random and pointless that it’s almost horrifying.