Sceptre of Power by Morris Simon
Oh my, is this like a gamebook version of the golden-era BioWare games?

Oh my, is this like a gamebook version of the golden-era BioWare games?
Welcome to cutesy land, where you will soon be begging for death.
You are a warrior that has no sense of preservation, direction, and everything else. Have fun!
Wield your rod of might to penetrate the Strahd’s backdoor!
You’re no Avenger, but you will be having a whale of a time regardless.
OMG, you are Raistlin Majere! Your greatest weakness? Bad die rolls.
Why is “escape” in the title, when you’re actually breaking in?
How can such a good campaign turn putrid so suddenly?
Oh look, it’s the first in TSR’s gamebook series for slightly older kids!
Saving winged horses, crying, nursing animals – yup, this one is aimed at girls.