Dynasty Warriors 5 (2005)
It’s a Koei game, so it’s exactly what you have been used to with minor differences.

It’s a Koei game, so it’s exactly what you have been used to with minor differences.
This one offers a much-needed upgrade in quality of life of the original game. Oh, new characters, new weapons!
Oh, this one is just plain awful. Why did they even bother?
This is a tough but fun rock-and-roll fantasy of a fighting game.
They changed an Japanese action fantasy beat ’em up into a pure fantasy schlock fest that feels incomplete.
Stylish combos with guitars, pistols, and big-ass swords – YEAH BABY!
Unlike the other Koei hack-and-slash franchise, this new Japanese version feels interesting and dark despite its flaws.
This is a classic hack-and-slash gem that, alas, hasn’t aged too well over time.
This is really as boring as running an actual restaurant!
This one has all the tedium of white collar hell and none of the fun.