Sengoku Basara 2 (2006)
From giant mech warriors to animal-summoning magic girls, this one brings on the crazy like nobody’s business. Awesome!
From giant mech warriors to animal-summoning magic girls, this one brings on the crazy like nobody’s business. Awesome!
Shinier, far less complicated, and with revamped skills, this one is still a whole lot of fun.
This one would have made a better movie than game.
This one offers some quality of life improvements and some extra stages, but not much else.
This one is as fun as watching grass grow. Shouldn’t running a tabloid be more fun than this?
Jump, jump. jump… oops, dead.
Aside from the bouncing boobies, there isn’t any point in getting this unimaginative and dry game.
Come play a fun antihero and stomp both baddies and civilians for the lulz.
After the fun of getting my character to shag everyone else and break other people’s relationships, things get boring.
Uneven gameplay and a truly annoying female lead character make this one a rather bumpy ride at times.