Just Let Me Lie Down by Kristin van Ogtrop
A well-off, successful lady with three amazing kids and a great glamor shot wants all moms to know that she’s just like them.

A well-off, successful lady with three amazing kids and a great glamor shot wants all moms to know that she’s just like them.
Yes, the author died of cancer, but that’s not the only story he wanted you to know about.
It’s like Chicken Soup for Dying People, only with advice that makes a lot of sense and comforts the soul.
Or, dangerously misleading pretty rhetoric that attempts to pass romance off as something it isn’t, for the sake of a progressive narrative.
Who knew working in constructing the Empire State Building is this frightening?
Too bad this is for young kids, I’d love to know the gritty dirty stuff.
If nostalgia is a drug, this fellow has managed to captured the perfect high in writing.
Oh, those were the days, nicely captured in this tribute to one of the most popular gamebook series of the 1980s.
If you hate your name, you haven’t seen these names yet. Unless your name is already in the book, that is.
This and other important questions related to sports and our body are answered – most amusingly – in this book.