Spotlight A+1: Bahasa Melayu by Kalsom binti Azid, Alshaa Rani bin Ab Wahab, and Norshanie binti Saharudin
Why get this when you can get better ones in the bookstore?

Why get this when you can get better ones in the bookstore?
Sasbadi once again pulls ahead in the Bahasa Melayu reference book race.
A good reference book for weaker students!
It’s not entirely magical, but it’s so pretty!
Oh my dear lord, Prince Harry is a romance hero and my heart can’t take it.
All I wanted are some incantations to summon demons. For noble, virtuous purposes, of course.
Political commentary books sometimes date themselves quickly. Case in point: this baby.
Information on the faerie folk in one lovely book.
As the author puts it, here are grave matters for the grey matter.
Is this fantasy or reality? Teddypig would prefer a more balanced version of the latter when it comes to gay men in uniform.