The Leper Window by Frazer Lee
Nice title, but damn if I have no idea at all what is happening in the story.
Nice title, but damn if I have no idea at all what is happening in the story.
It starts out solid, but then becomes somewhat a disappointment.
Destructive love, incest, suicide, murder are all tossed into this heady brew of a story, but the author’s self indulgent ways can be annoying.
This one is indeed terrifying, but for all the wrong reasons.
So, how much do you like staring at an author’s belly button?
Here’s a collection of stuff from one of Malaysia’s more popular horror authors. It’s too bad that I can’t get with his style.
Keith Ross organizes another tour to Cthulhu’s playground in Dead But Dreaming 2, and it’s as much a blast as the last time he did this.
Cthulhu would be so proud.
This is a Malaysian-brewed ghost story collection with very little Malaysian flavor.
Even Japanese horror maestros get the blues.