Unforsaken by Lisa Higdon
This one has an interesting premise, but the whole thing doesn’t really go anywhere.
This one has an interesting premise, but the whole thing doesn’t really go anywhere.
The heroine is such a pushover, she’d make the perfect housemaid.
This one is too clichéd to its own detriment.
The author wants to redeem a villain by giving him his story, and then completely chickens out on the redeeming part. Sigh.
Infatuation can be a bitch to get over, especially when it’s aimed at the wrong type of guy.
Too many plot elements, too many things happening at once – I’m surprised the stage is still standing.
This is a standard rollicking Western romance, It’s okay, we all have read this before.
This whole thing feels like a bad accident from start to finish.
Oh people, must we be this unremarkable and generic?
Watch out, the sugar tide is coming in!