Meet Me at Midnight by Jacqueline Navin
The mismanagement of the bad boy hero sinks this one.
The mismanagement of the bad boy hero sinks this one.
This one is actually a hoot, in many ways unintended by the author.
This one is just bad. So sad.
The heroine has the mental capacity of a spoiled six-year old.
This one stays grounded and, hence, compared to the previous book in the series, not as fun.
Is this a new book or something dragged out of the author’s old manuscript drawer?
This one is dumb, but the jury is still out as to whether this dumbassery is deliberate or accidental.
Someone should salvage this melodramatic mess by turning it into a campy bad musical.
Ooh, a character-driven medieval romance. Such a thing still exists? Perfect!
The main characters aren’t keeling from a stupid need to flagellate themselves… so this is good by the author’s standards.